Yellow bay markings for a bus stop.
Image Crown Copyright, used under the Open Government License.

Sign for a "no stopping" bus stop.
Image Crown Copyright, used under the Open Government License.
Yellow bays are for specific types of vehicles, most often bus stops and taxi ranks. These come in two types: “No stopping except”, marked with a thick yellow line, and “No waiting except”, which are a single or double yellow line with an extra exemption for the type of vehicle mentioned.

"No waiting" (yellow line) restriction with an exemption for taxis.
Image Crown Copyright, used under the Open Government License.
No Stopping except buses may be a Bus Stop or a Bus Stand; buses can park/wait at a bus stand (though it may be limited to local buses) but can stop only briefly at a bus stop – to pick up/set down passengers. They are also allowed up to two minutes to keep them on timetable. They may also be limited to “local buses”, to reserve them for scheduled services rather than being used by coaches waiting for tourists.