What are Double Red Lines for? What about single red lines?

Image Crown Copyright, used under the Open Government License.
Red lines indicate a No Stopping restriction known as a “red route”. Loading is not allowed, and nor is stopping to pick up or set down passengers (though there is usually an exemption that allows a blue badge holder to be picked up or set down, or for Hackney Carriages to pick up or set down customers). Like yellow lines, and kerb markings, the difference between double and single red lines is that double lines apply all the time, and single ones only at the times given on nearby signs.

Bay marked out in red.
Image Crown Copyright, used under the Open Government License.
Red routes may have bays marked in red; the no stopping restriction continues through these but with stopping allowed some of the time, in line with the rules on the sign by the bay. They also may have bays marked in white; the no stopping restriction does not through these.
The no stopping restriction the red lines indicate applies to the carriageway (road), pavement and verge.