What does a single yellow line mean? What does a double yellow line mean?
(For yellow lines off the edge of the kerb, see kerb markings, stripes, or flashes)

Sign for seasonal double yellow lines
Image Crown Copyright, used under the Open Government License.
Yellow lines, whether single or double, indicate a No Waiting restriction.
What does “No Waiting” mean?
Vehicles are not allowed to wait – the legislation uses the word “wait”, rather than “park”, but the effect is much the same. You can stop on a yellow line to pick up or set down passengers – but not to wait for passengers. You can stop to open a gate to get onto off road places. Unless loading is banned (see kerb markings), you may stop to load or unload (see loading and unloading), or park with a blue badge.
Waiting restrictions indicated by yellow lines apply to the carriageway (road), pavement and verge, so parking on the pavement when there are yellow lines on the road could get you a ticket for those yellow lines.

Sign for single yellow line
Image Crown Copyright, used under the Open Government License.
So, what’s the difference between a single and double yellow line?
Double yellow lines apply at any time, but single yellow lines apply only when the signs say so. In some places, double yellow lines may be modified by a nearby sign to be seasonal, but this use is being phased out and replaced with single yellow lines.

Entry sign for CPZ. Any single yellow lines without a sign inside this area apply at the times listed on this sign.
Image Crown Copyright, used under the Open Government License.
Double yellow lines do not require a sign, because they apply all the time. They may have a sign anyway, because they used to be required, or use a sign to apply seasonally.
Signs for a single yellow line are usually small yellow signs at regular intervals, but may be on a sign at the entrance to a zone