Bay marked out in red.
Image Crown Copyright, used under the Open Government License.
Bays marked out in red are used on red routes. The “no stopping” restriction carries on through the bay, but stopping is allowed at times listed on the sign, for the reason(s) listed on the sign.

Sign for a red bay - the "No Stopping" restriction runs through, but loading is allowed between 10am and 4pm.
Image Crown Copyright, used under the Open Government License.
Red bays are only available at the times listed – bays that are available all the time are marked in white. The example sign shown here has a “no stopping” red route running through it 7am to 7pm Monday to Saturday, but stopping for loading is allowed between 10am and 4pm. This will be to keep the route completely clear during peak traffic times (7am to 10am, and 4pm to 7pm), but provide space for businesses to receive deliveries during the day.