Where different restrictions apply at different times, the signs can be a little overwhelming, but they follow a pattern that breaks things down by time; look at the times, then see what the restriction for that time is.

Complex sign example one
Image Crown Copyright, used under the Open Government License.
In example one, if it’s between 9.30am and 4.30pm, it’s a pay & display bay (the bottom part of the sign); the arrow tells you that the machine is to left of the sign. If you are planning to stay after 4.30pm, check the restriction for 4.30pm onwards – in this case, the no waiting and no loading restrictions apply, so you’ll need to find somewhere else. After 6.30pm, there are no restrictions.

Complex sign example two.
Image Crown Copyright, used under the Open Government License.
In example two, the top panel shows that all the below applies Mon-Sat. Between 7-8am, and between 7-9pm, the restriction is permit holders only. The A shows which type of permits can use the space. From 8am to 7pm, permit holders can still use the bay, but other vehicles can park here under limited waiting rules, for a maximum of 20 minutes. The permit holders only restriction starts again at 7pm, so arriving at ten to seven, you’ll only have ten minutes, rather than the full 20 (unless you’ve got a permit).